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Securities Services

Efficient and reliable securities trading services are the keys to capture every investment opportunity. OCBC Bank provides you quality trading services through wide range of trading channels, which let you seize the right moments in trading shares.
Wide Choice of Trading Channels

enjoy automatic trading service through Internet, Mobile Handset, and Interactive Voice Response Phone System (IVRS)

place order and enquire order status as well as transaction history anytime, anywhere

Preset Order Service at Internet Banking

Instant Buy/Sell Order Service at Internet Banking

Odd Lot Order Service at Internet or Mobile Banking

receive short messages posted to your mobile phone for stock order auto-confirmation

free access real-time stock quotes and market information
Personal Service

place order at branches or over the phone with our customer service representatives

access real time stock quotes via the Stock Quote Terminals at branches1
Sound Foundation

You can now get rid of the trouble of managing your investment in trading with OCBC Bank which can act on your behalf for safe custody, dividend and bonus shares collection and new shares subscription. With sound foundation in the industry, OCBC Bank always serves you with sincerity. You will definitely enjoy hassle-free services in trading with us.
Preferential Brokerage Fee

Brokerage fee is only 0.25% on the transaction amount (as low as HK$75)

No CCASS settlement fee for shares trading conducted through OCBC Bank.
Combination of same day transactions of a single stock (combined order)

Securities transactions of a single stock conducted on the same transaction day through the same channel and within certain price range will be combined automatically as one buy or one sell transaction2. You can save much brokerage fee.
Convenient Odd Lot Order Service

Sell Odd Lot at Internet or Mobile Banking

Can sell Odd Lot together with Board Lot
Odd Lot Order Service FAQ
Flexible Overdraft Facility

Getting extra liquidity, you can apply for the secured credit facility of up to 60% of the market value of shares designated by OCBC Bank.
Monthly Statement at a Glance

Order confirmation will be issued after completing trading transaction

You will also receive a monthly statement showing all transactions at a glance
Open Account Now

It's free of charge, easy and convenient. Simply logon to Personal eBanking or visit any OCBC Bank branches for account opening now.
  Enquiry Hotline: 3199 9182
Stock Monthly Investment Plan
1. Applicable to designated branches.
2. Each combined buy/sell transaction is composed of a maximum of 10 transactions or a maximum of 10 execution prices (as the case may be). The transactions to be combined have to be conducted over the same branch or through the same channel. Please contact any branches for details.
OCBC Securities Brokerage (Hong Kong) Limited, a subsidiary of OCBC Bank and an exchange participant of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, is the official broker of OCBC Bank.
Important Notices and Risk Warning
Please note that investment involves risks, including the substantial loss of the principal amount invested. The prices of investment products may move up or down, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Past performance is not indicative to future performance. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling in investment products. If the investment involves Renminbi, you should note that the value of Renminbi against other currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC’s government control. You should also note that Renminbi is currently not freely convertible and the offshore Renminbi exchange rate may deviate significantly from the onshore Renminbi exchange rate. Foreign currency-denominated transactions involve currency risks. Fluctuations in currency rates may result in significant losses in the amount invested in the event that the currency denomination of the transaction exchanges to another currency.
Nothing in this promotional material constitutes an investment advice or an offer or an inducement to any person to acquire, purchase or subscribe for any investments, products or services referred to herein. Investor should not invest solely based on this promotional material. You should carefully read the offering documentation for detailed product information and risk factors prior to making any investment decision. If you have any doubt, you should seek independent professional advice. This promotional material is prepared by OCBC Bank, the contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.



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