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Stock Monthly Investment Plan
Stock Monthly Investment Plan
Stock Monthly Investment Plan
To minimize volatility risk, investing in blue chip stocks over a long term may be a better choice. However, investors may be deterred by the large initial investment. OCBC Bank provides a stock monthly investment plan that gives you a new investment direction and let you start your investment planning now.
Lower Risk by Buying in Average Price
By investing regularly, you will buy more shares when the price goes down. Conversely, fewer shares will be bought when the price goes up. In the long run, investing regularly can help smooth out market ups and downs and provide lower unit costs.
Regular & Low Investment Amount in Blue Chip Stocks and "H" Shares
By monthly investment amount as low as HK$1,000, you can start to invest your chosen stocks for the long term. You also have the flexibility to invest more in any month and no additional handling fee will be levied1.
Eligible stock list of Stock Monthly Investment Plan
Convenient Payment Method
Your monthly investment will be debited by auto-pay via your designated account on fixed dates set. Besides, you may also use your OCBC Credit (Hong Kong) Limited Card2 for monthly payment to enjoy up to 54 days interest free period.
Please click here for the procedure for setting up a Stock Monthly Investment Plan through eBanking services.
  Enquiry Hotline: 3199 9182
1. The monthly investment amount should be the multiple of HK$500. Handling fee of each purchase transaction is charged at 0.25% (minimum HK$50) and will be included in the monthly investment. Stamp duty, transaction levy and trading fee are excluded in the said handling fee.
2. If the monthly investment is settled by Credit Card, such amount will not entitle any rewards under "Cash Rebate" and "OCBC Bank Mileage" Scheme.
OCBC Securities Brokerage (Hong Kong) Limited, a subsidiary of OCBC Bank and an exchange participant of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, is the official broker of OCBC Bank.
Important Notices and Risk Warning
Please note that investment involves risks, including the substantial loss of the principal amount invested. The prices of investment products may move up or down, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Past performance is not indicative to future performance. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling in investment products. If the investment involves Renminbi, you should note that the value of Renminbi against other currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC’s government control. You should also note that Renminbi is currently not freely convertible and the offshore Renminbi exchange rate may deviate significantly from the onshore Renminbi exchange rate. Foreign currency-denominated transactions involve currency risks. Fluctuations in currency rates may result in significant losses in the amount invested in the event that the currency denomination of the transaction exchanges to another currency.
Nothing in this promotional material constitutes an investment advice or an offer or an inducement to any person to acquire, purchase or subscribe for any investments, products or services referred to herein. Investor should not invest solely based on this promotional material. You should carefully read the offering documentation for detailed product information and risk factors prior to making any investment decision. If you have any doubt, you should seek independent professional advice. This promotional material is prepared by OCBC Bank, the contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.



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