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Unit Trusts
Unit Trusts
What is a Unit Trust?
Unit Trust is a collective investment scheme where resources from individual investors are pooled together and managed by professional fund managers. The fund will be invested in worldwide markets through investment instruments such as equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives.
Benefits of Unit Trusts
Worldwide Investment Opportunities


Due to high transaction costs and insufficient market information, it used to be very difficult and expensive for investors to capitalize on the investment opportunities in overseas markets. Unit Trusts provide efficient and cost-effective means for you to gain access to these markets.
Risk Diversification


According to the nature and goals of different investment schemes, your investment may be spread across various types of instruments, industries and countries, with different levels of risks and achieve the objectives of balancing investment.
Professional Management


Experienced and professional fund managers invest your capital in different countries, sectors or instruments according to the investment objectives of the investment scheme. With access to first hand macro and micro information, they can make the best decision to maximize your returns.
Economies of Scale


By pooling resources of many investors to become a portfolio, Unit Trusts enable you to share the costs with other investors in the schemes.
OCBC Bank Unit Trust Services
Lots of Choices


OCBC Bank provides you hundreds of investment schemes that are managed by well-known international fund management companies.
Risk Profile Assessment


Risk profile assessment is provided to you for your better understanding of your general attitude towards investment risks. Taking into account your risk profile, financial situation, expected investment horizon, investment objective and experience, you could consider a range of investment products which may be suitable for you.
  Unit Trust Monthly Invetment Plan

First step in investment
Identify your investment goals
Evaluate your investment risk profile and select an appropriate fund(s)
Allocate your affordable amount to set up a lump sum and/or monthly investment plan
Regular review your investment portfolio

Calculate required investment amount
  Lump-Sum Investment Plan
  Annual rate of return*
Years of investment
^ If your investment target is HK$1,000,000 in 10 years' time with 10% annual rate of return continuously, now you have to invest a lump-sum of approximately HK$385,543!
  Monthly Contribution Plan
  Annual rate of return*
Years of investment
# If your investment target is HK$1,000,000 in 10 years' time with 10% annual rate of return continuously, you have to invest approximately HK$4,841 each month from now on!
* The above tables are for hypothesis illustration only and are not intended to be representative of the performance of any particular investment. The hypothetical annual rate of return is not indicative of the actual return likely to be achieved by investing in any fund. These tables exclude inflation rate and any other fees incurred in fund subscription.
  Start your investment planning today! Please visit any OCBC Bank branches with investment corner for enquiries or fund subscription. Moreover, you may subscribe a Unit Trust or set up a Unit Trust Monthly Investment Plan via internet banking through Personal eBanking.
This is an investment product and some may involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the unit trust unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
Risk Disclosure and Important Notice
The above information is for reference only. It does not constitute any offer, solicitation or recommendation of any investment product.
Investment involves risks, including the substantial loss of the principal amount invested. Unit Trust is not equivalent to time deposits. The prices of unit trust may move up or down, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Past performance is not indicative to future performance. You should be aware of exchange rate risk if investing in the unit trusts which is not denominated in local currency funds. Investment in particular unit trusts (e.g. emerging markets fund, commodity funds, small cap company fund, high yield bond funds, etc) may involve higher risk. Investor should not invest solely based on this promotional material and you should read and consider the relevant offering documents before making any investment decision. You should also seriously consider if the investment in the relevant unit trusts is suitable for you in light of your own financial resources and position. Investment objectives, investment experience, risk profile and other relevant circumstances before making any investment decision.
If necessary, please obtain independent professional advice before making any investment decision.
This promotional material is published by OCBC Bank and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any regulation authority in Hong Kong.



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