Overseas Property Financing Solutions(Australia / United Kingdom / Singapore)

Financing for Residential properties in Australia and the United Kingdom

Whether you are buying an overseas Residential property in Australia or the United Kingdom, our Mortgage Expert Team at OCBC Bank (Hong Kong) Limited can tailor a one-stop financing package to suit your needs.

One-step Local Processing

Your loan will be approved and processed in Hong Kong.

Tailored to Meet Your Financial Needs

Whether you need a mortgage loan for new purchase or refinancing of residential properties for investment purposes, a package will be tailored to meet your needs.

Approval in Principle

The Approval in Principle is valid up to 12 months allowing you more time to identify suitable properties, and greater flexibility to deploy your property investment plan.

Mortgage Experts Assistance

Our dedicated and professional overseas mortgage experts will assist you every step of the way from enquiry, application to loan drawdown.

Product Features
  Australia United Kingdom
Property Type Residential Property in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane for investment purposes Residential Property in London for investment purposes
Loan Amount Minimum AUD200,000 or equivalent
(Maximum AUD 2,450,000 or equivalent)
Minimum GBP200,000 or equivalent
(Maximum GBP 2,450,000 or equivalent)
Security A first legal charge against the property being financed
Loan Currency1
  • Currency of either the country in which your property is situated / HKD / USD
  • Currency switches are available for the term of the loan
Term Up to 30 years
Interest Variable interest rate loans
Referral service for property financing in Singapore

Upon your request, we can connect you with the mortgage experts of OCBC Bank* in Singapore who will help you source the financing solution best suited for your needs.

This service is exclusively for OCBC Premier Banking customers.
Reminder:  To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! 

Ways to Apply

OCBC Bank branch
Visit us for further information
Call our hotline
+852 2201 5088
Mortgage manager will help you
Make an appointment

  1. Currency switching is not available to foreign applicants who do not have a Hong Kong or Macau Identity Card. The loan currency must also be drawn in the currency of the country in which the mortgaged property is situated for these applicants.
  2. The above information is for reference only. All products and services are subject to the relevant terms and conditions. Please refer to the relevant terms and conditions or contact our staff for more information. OCBC Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the ”Bank”) has the right to amend the loan amount, loan tenor, interest rates, privileges, offers, and all applicable terms and conditions from time to time and at any time without any prior notice to or consent of any parties
  3. The Bank reserves the right for the final judgment on credit review and approval of the mortgage loan.. The Bank’s decision and interpretation on all matters concerning the mortgage facility terms shall be final, conclusive and binding on all customers.
  4. For referral service of property financing in Singapore, if OCBC Bank contacts you, it is OCBC Bank but not the Bank to deal with any of your enquiries or other related matters in relation to property financing in Singapore. The Bank does not invite or induce you or provide you with any advice and representation in connection with property financing in Singapore.
  5. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of this page, the English versions shall apply and prevail.
* OCBC Bank is the second largest financial services group in Southeast Asia by assets and one of the world’s most highly-rated banks, with Aa1 by Moody’s and AA- by both Fitch and S&P. Recognised for its financial strength and stability, OCBC Bank is consistently ranked among the World’s Top 50 Safest Banks by Global Finance and has been named Best Managed Bank in Singapore by The Asian Banker. OCBC Bank is the longest established Singapore bank with an international presence of more than 430 branches and representative offices in 19 countries and regions. OCBC Bank’s market-leading subsidiaries include Great Eastern Holdings, the oldest and most established life insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia; Lion Global Investors, one of the largest private sector asset management companies in Southeast Asia; and Bank of Singapore, which operates on a unique open-architecture product platform to source for the best-in-class products to meet its clients’ goals.

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