Stock Monthly Investment Plan

To minimize volatility risk, investing in blue chip stocks over a long term may be a better choice. However, investors may be deterred by the large initial investment. OCBC Bank provides a stock monthly investment plan that gives you a new investment direction and let you start your investment planning now.

Advantage of "Dollar Cost Averaging"

By investing regularly, you will buy more shares when the price goes down. Conversely, fewer shares will be bought when the price goes up. In the long run, investing regularly can help smooth out market ups and downs and provide lower unit costs.

Regular & Low Investment Amount in Blue Chip Stocks and "H" Shares

By monthly investment amount as low as HK$1,000, you can start to invest your chosen stocks for the long term. You also have the flexibility to invest more in any month1.

Eligible stock list of Stock Monthly Investment Plan

Convenient Payment Method

Your monthly investment will be debited by auto-pay via your designated account on fixed dates set. Besides, you may also use your OCBC Credit (Hong Kong) Limited Card2 for monthly payment to enjoy up to 54 days interest free period.

Procedure for setting up a Stock Monthly Investment Plan through Personal eBanking

For registered Personal eBanking customer,

Login Personal eBanking
Select Investment - Stock Monthly Investment Plan
Follow the instructions to complete an application

For unregistered customer, please apply for eBanking Service and open an Investment Account at any OCBC Bank branches.