Warning Statement

Currency Switch is an unlisted structured investment product involving derivatives. Investment involves risk. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in Currency Switch unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.

Time Deposits subject to any foreign exchange forward contract under Currency Switch are not protected deposits and are not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.

Receive interest return as quick as possible
Potential return

By entering into FX forward contract(s) under Currency Switch, it helps you to capture the potential return from FX trading.

FX conversion
Currency hedging

Hedge against the depreciation of time deposits before maturity.

Variety of currencies choices
FX Conversion

On maturity, the principal and interest of the time deposit will be converted to the designated currency of the final FX forward contract at the agreed exchange rate.

Variety of currencies choices
Flexible transactions

Unlimited FX forward transactions within time deposit period (eligible for time deposits with remaining period not exceeding 12 months).

Currencies of your choice, including HKD, USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, CAD, JPY, CNY, SGD and CHF.

Time deposit with amount as low as HKD100,000 or equivalent are eligible for Currency Switch transaction.

No Extra Handling Charge
No Extra Handling Charge

Subject to the Terms and Conditions of Investment Account, including “Schedule VI: Currency Switch”

How it works

The customer sets up a 3-month HKD time deposit on 2 January 20XX. During the deposit period, customer wants to catch up the uptrend of NZD, he sets up a FX forward contract through Currency Switch as follows:

Time deposit details
Principal HKD1,000,000.00
Time Deposit Start Date Jan 2, 20XX
Time Deposit Maturity Date Mar 31, 20XX
No. of days 89 days
Interest Rate 1%
Principal & Interest on Maturity HKD1,002,438.36
Currency Switch details
FX Forward Contract enter Date Jan 10, 20XX
Sell Currency HKD
Sell Amount HKD1,002,438.36
Buy Currency NZD
Buy Currency Amount NZD199,221.02
Forward Exchange Rate 5.031790

Return Analysis
Spot Rate on Deposit Maturity Date Value at Maturity Date Net gain / (loss) Rate of Return
1. Best case scenario – Switched Currency spot rate strengthens against Forward Exchange Rate on maturity date
NZD strengthens against HKD 5.123123 NZD199,221.02
(equivalent to HKD1,020,633.79)
HKD18,195.43 1.82%
2. Breakeven scenario – Switched Currency spot rate against Forward Exchange Rate remains unchanged on maturity date
NZD against HKD remains unchanged 5.031790 NZD199,221.02
(equivalent to HKD1,002,438.36)
HKD 0.00 0.00%
3. Losing scenario – Switched Currency spot rate weakens against Forward Exchange Rate on maturity date
NZD weakens against HKD 5.019551 NZD199,221.02
(equivalent to HKD1,000,000.00)
(HKD2,438.36) -0.24%
Loss of interest of the time deposit
4. Losing scenario – Switched Currency spot rate weakens against Forward Exchange Rate on maturity date
NZD weakens against HKD 5.000000 NZD199,221.02
(equivalent to HKD996,105.10)
(HKD6,333.26) -0.63%
5. Worst case scenario – Switched Currency spot rate depreciates to zero on maturity date
NZD depreciates to zero 0.000000
(exchange rate down turning to zero)
(equivalent to HKD0.00)
(HKD1,002,438.36) Loss of entire
Principal Amount plus interest of the time deposit
6. Insolvency scenario – The Bank defaults
If the Bank becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation, you may lose the entire Principal Amount plus interest of the time deposit.


i) The interest of HKD is calculated on the basis of 365 days per year.

ii) Net gain / (loss) will only be realized if customer switched the amount back to time deposit currency on Deposit Maturity Date.

The customer sets up a 6-month USD fixed deposit on 2 March 20XX. During the deposit period, customer intends to make use the fluctuation of FX to capture extra potential return, he sets up FX forward contracts through Currency Switch as follows:

Time deposit details
Principal USD100,000.00
Time Deposit Start Date Mar 2, 20XX
Time Deposit Maturity Date Aug 31, 20XX
No. of days 182 days
Interest Rate 2%
Principal & Interest on Maturity USD101,011.11
Currency Switch details
FX Forward Contract enter Date Transaction details Forward Exchange Rate Maturity Date / Settlement Date
Mar 20, 20XX Sell USD101,011.11 7.752450 Aug 31, 20XX
Buy HKD783,083.58
Apr 20, 20XX Sell HKD783,083.58 5.934420 Aug 31, 20XX
Buy AUD131,956.21
Jun 30, 20XX Sell AUD131,956.21 1.789626 Aug 31, 20XX
Buy GBP73,733.96
Jul 15, 20XX Sell GBP73,733.96 1.131959 Aug 31, 20XX
Buy EUR83,463.82

Return Analysis
Spot Rate on Deposit Maturity Date Value at Maturity Date Net gain / (loss) Rate of Return
1. Best case scenario – Switched Currency spot rate strengthens against Forward Exchange Rate on maturity date
EUR strengthens against USD 1.222525 EUR83,463.82
(equivalent to USD102,036.61)
USD1,025.50 1.02%
2. Breakeven scenario – Switched Currency spot rate against Forward Exchange Rate remains unchanged on maturity date
EUR against USD remains unchanged 1.210238 EUR83,463.82
(equivalent to USD101,011.09)
(USD 0.02) 0.00%
3. Losing scenario – Switched Currency spot rate weakens against Forward Exchange Rate on maturity date
EUR weakens against USD 1.198124 EUR83,463.82
(equivalent to USD100,000.00)
(USD1,011.11) -1.00%
Loss of interest of the time deposit
4. Losing scenario – Switched Currency spot rate weakens against Forward Exchange Rate on maturity date
EUR weakens against USD 1.189898 EUR83,463.82
(equivalent to USD99,313.43)
(USD1,697.68) -1.68%
5. Worst case scenario – Switched Currency spot rate depreciates to zero on maturity date
EUR depreciates to zero 0.000000
(exchange rate down turning to zero)
(equivalent to HKD0.00)
(USD101,011.11) Loss of entire
Principal Amount plus interest of the time deposit
6. Insolvency scenario – The Bank defaults
If the Bank becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation, you may lose the entire Principal Amount plus interest of the time deposit.


i) The interest of USD is calculated on the basis of 360 days per year.

ii) Net gain / (loss) will only be realized if customer switched the amount back to time deposit currency on Deposit Maturity Date.


The above hypothetical examples are for illustrative purposes only. They do not reflect a complete analysis or all possible factors of all possible potential gain or loss scenarios. They are not based on the past performance of the exchange rates of the switched currency and must not be relied on as an indication of the actual performance of the exchange rate of the switched currency or this product. The Bank is not making any prediction on future movements of the exchange rates on the switched currency by virtue of providing the illustrative examples. You should not rely on these examples when making an investment decision.

The scenarios assume no fees and charges incurred. In addition, all calculation results above are rounded off to two decimal places except for the exchange rates, which are rounded off to six decimal places.