Visa Checkout

Love shopping online, but hate all the hassles when it's time to pay? The new service of Visa Checkout1 will bring you a whole new online shopping experience. Visa Checkout makes your online shopping safe and easy by storing all your payment and shipping information in one convenient and secure place2.

Special Features

OCBC Credit Cards (Visa and Mastercard) enrollment

Simple Enrollment

You can add your multiple OCBC Credit Cards (Visa and Mastercard).

Visa Checkout works with a variety of devices

Fast and Convenient

Skip typing in your card and shipping information every time when you checkout to pay. Visa Checkout works with a variety of devices including your tablet, smartphone or home computer.

Multiple layers of security

Safe and Secure

Just shop worry-free! Your information is stored behind multiple layers of security2. The world-class global security system ensures secure online transactions.

Ways to Apply

Devices for online banking

Sign-up directly when you find the button Visa Checkout button appearance on the checkout page of participating online merchants


  1. The service of Visa Checkout is provided by Visa International. The Bank is not responsible for any disputes arising from the service. For more information, cardholders can visit
  2. All information provided by OCBC Credit Card cardholders will only be obtained, used and stored by VISA International in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Visa International.

To borrow or not to borrow?
Borrow only if you can repay!