90% guarantee product under the sfgs (express)
A 90% guarantee product provided by the HKMC Insurance Limited*
Turn your ambitions into action with our hassle-free financing.
features and benefits

Easy online application
Apply for a business loan from anywhere with our 24/7 online platform.
Apply for a business loan from anywhere with our 24/7 online platform.

Competitive interest rates
Business loans with competitive interest rates from 3-month HIBOR+1.05%^.
Business loans with competitive interest rates from HIBOR+1.05%^.

Speedy loan approval
Receive your preliminary loan approval in as fast as 3 working days#.
Receive your preliminary loan approval in as fast as 3 working days#.
Plan your business loan
Disclaimer / Important Notice
This is not a financing offer from OCBC Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"). The
computations shown are based on the information provided by you, and are provided solely for
reference only. Actual interest rates may differ from what is shown here. The Bank hereby
disclaims any responsibility for any errors or omissions in the computations. The Bank will
not under any circumstances accept responsibility or liability for any losses that may arise
from a decision that you may make as a result of relying on the computations. For the
applicable terms and conditions of any financing offer made to you by the Bank, please refer
to the relevant Facility Letter issued.
Download OCBC HK/Macau Business Mobile Banking app and follow the step-by-step guide to complete your identity verification.
Retail Store
“The online application process proved to be user-friendly as I received a prompt follow-up call just 1 day after submitting my application.“
Multimedia Agency
“Easy to apply online! In comparison to my main operational bank, OCBC's document requirements are more reasonable.“
Agriculture Technology Company
“Your team has been incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. Thanks to their assistance, we can now execute new orders with the business capital.“
Healthcare Company
“Easy to apply. Fast approval time. 100% recommend!“
Apply for 90% Guarantee Product under the SFGS with ease now!
Common questions
The SME Financing Guarantee Scheme helps SMEs with obtaining financial support through a guarantee provided by the HKMC Insurance Limited (HKMCI), and helps SMEs with navigating business development amid a dynamic environment.
You may use the loan proceeds:
- For the acquisition of assets (such as industrial or commercial properties, machinery and equipment, but excluding residential properties) to facilitate the Borrower's business operations; or
- As general working capital for the Borrower's business operations; or
- For the refinancing of facilities or facilities that were guaranteed under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme.
To apply for the the SFGS, your business must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a company, sole proprietorship, partnership or unincorporated body of persons which has business operation in Hong Kong and remains registered under the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310 of the Laws of Hong Kong);
- Shall not be carrying on the business of a lender or otherwise providing funds available for borrowing in any way;
- Shall not be an affiliate of the Lender; and
- Shall not be a company or corporation which has any of its shares listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (whether on its Main Board or the Growth Enterprise Market) or any similar exchange in or outside Hong Kong.
You will need to prepare the following documents:
- Your business financial statement from the most recent year;
- Your business bank statements from the latest 6 months; and
- Latest facility letters from other banks.
You will get your preliminary loan approval result in as fast as 3 working days#, calculated from the first working day upon receipt of the complete set of documentation required for loan application. After the preliminary loan amount approval is completed, you will be notified individually of the indicative loan approval result on the next working day.
Please contact us at (852) 2633 0628 for other SME Business Loans.
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
*It refers to the Business Loan 90% Guarantee Product under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme launched by The HKMC Insurance Limited ("HKMCI"). All credit applications under SME Financing Guarantee Scheme are subject to HKMCI's approval.
#The 3 working days loan approval process time is calculated from the first working day upon receipt of complete set of documentation for loan application. Applicants will be notified individually of the indicative loan approval result on the next working day after the preliminary loan amount approval is completed. The preliminary approval time does not include the approval time from HKMCI. The preliminary approval amount of an indicative loan is only applicable to successful submission via online submission in the dedicated Online Loan Application Platform of OCBC Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) and fulfilment of all documents and requirements requested by the Bank. Such indicative loan amounts are subject to the Bank’s further approval and final decision, the final decision may be different from the preliminary loan approval.
^Applicable to selected customers only.